Billing and Insurance
Self Pay

Self Pay

What are the updated prices for Carbon Health’s services?

You can see a complete list of our services and their self-pay costs on our website. Bear in mind that prices vary based on geographic location, so select your region to make sure the service costs are accurate for your location.

Have the prices changed for patients with insurance?

No. These price updates don’t affect patients who already have health insurance (and/or Medi-Cal coverage).

How does Carbon Health come up with their self-pay prices?

We look at comparable services in a market, healthcare costs, and also factor in inflation. Our goal is to remain affordable and accessible to the average patient, while ensuring our clinic teams are fairly compensated for the services they provide.

Why do Carbon Health’s self-pay prices vary by state?

Like most healthcare providers, our ability to offer accessible costs to patients often depends on geography. Some factors that affect pricing across states or regions include labor costs, staffing costs, cost of living differences, and other healthcare market dynamics. Our team strives to be clear and straightforward with you about our self-pay fees, and you can always look them up here: (opens in a new tab).